The digitalization of electrical networks will bring changes in consumer habits, who will be able to monitor prices in real time, according to Cemig’s vice-president of commercialization, Dimas Costa.
At , customers have detailed information about prices and the most advantageous times for consumption. The opening of this market will bring significant changes for consumers.
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“In the future, you will have a smart grid and a smart meter. The person will access a cell phone application and see what the price is. The customer will direct their consumption to times when it is convenient. In other words, currently the generation meets the load, but in the future the load will meet the generation”, says Costa.
The most modern meters allow you to make cuts or reconnects remotely. Additionally, they also provide more data about customer habits. This way, it will be possible to understand price dynamics and take advantage of cheaper energy generation.
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“Between noon and 2 pm, photovoltaic generation is generating a lot of energy. At 4pm, it drops precipitously, because the sun is getting smaller. On some days, solar is 33% of our load”, says Costa regarding the variation in energy prices throughout the day.
Currently, all Cemig free market customers have smart meters, which helps with consumption forecasts. In the case of captive consumers, most meters are analog and only 25% of clocks are updated.
Cemig’s energy trading part on the free market has a client portfolio spread throughout Brazil. Although it is traditionally headquartered in Minas Gerais, 50% of the consumers served by the company are from other states.
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Among the customers with contracts signed with the supplier are representatives from various sectors. Cemig deals with the steel, automobile, mining and shopping center industries, in addition to small businesses, which began to opt for migration to the free market in January 2024.
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Pressure from distributors
In relation to complaints from independent traders about unfair competition practices by marketing groups that also have distributors, the executive guarantees that Cemig does not condone these practices.
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“Some distributors make it difficult for customers to sell. ‘You have to migrate with me’, ‘I can migrate you sooner, because you have to respect a legal deadline’. There is pressure from some, which is neither ethical nor correct”, he says.
Although the distributor belongs to the same business group, the executive states that there is no type of lead sharing. Costa says that the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) carried out an inspection at Cemig and found no irregularities.
“If I had access to those from the distributor, I would not need to make an agreement with the Federation of Industries of Minas Gerais, with Fecomércio, with the Câmara de Dirigentes Lojistas, with Sesc, Senai, the hotel industry, restaurants, hospital unions, unions of teaching, inside and outside Minas,” he stated.
Each of these entities, according to Costa, is remunerated for the recommendations they offer.
Ricardo Bellino from Ensina
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