It is true that plants should not be fertilized in autumn and winter. This is not entirely true, because at home they have completely different conditions, so they can be in full beauty all year round. Therefore, it is good to treat them with homemade mixtures. We recommend the one made of matches: it will strengthen the roots, rid them of mold and protect against pest attacks. How do you prepare such a strengthening mixture? Let’s find out how easy it is.

Plant fertilization in autumn and winter

  • Many people avoid fertilizing plants in the fall and winter because they say it unnecessarily stimulates plant growth and can weaken them instead of preparing them for spring.

It’s not quite true. On the one hand, they actually have constant growing conditions at home, so many species always look attractive throughout the year. On the other hand, they need to be strengthened, because in winter and autumn their water requirements may be lower and then the root ball is more easily spilled. In the long term, this condition results not only in the rotting of the plant, but also in the formation of molds.

How to fertilize plants in autumn and winter?

It is better to avoid multi-component preparations, but to choose those that can really help our specimens in pots.

  • Liquid fertilizer made from matches.

Why? Because match heads are made up of many valuable ingredients, but sulfur in particular can help with growing.

  • It has an antibacterial and strengthening effect, so it is worth using it.

How to make fertilizer for plants from matchsticks?

Match fertilizer is easy to make.

  • All you have to do is pour the entire package into a container and then fill it with a glass of water.
  • Set the whole thing aside for a few hours and then mix it thoroughly to dissolve all the heads.

When the contents of the container visibly change color, this is a sign that the plant strengthening mixture is ready for use. But before that you have to get rid of the matches floating in the decoction.

How often to dose fertilizer from matches?

Regardless of the time of year, such fertilizer should only be applied occasionally.

  • It can be applied preventively approximately once every two months.
  • On the other hand, if our plants show signs of weakness and mold appears on the surface, the dose can be increased and the soil in the pot can be watered with a small amount once a month.

There is no need to dilute match fertilizer: just apply it directly to the plants.

Grandma always puts them in pots. Her plants are the envy of all her neighbors