Deputy Damião Feliciano (União-PB) attempted to be reappointed to the coordination of the group, but encountered resistance from some parliamentarians from the collective who wish to discuss the priorities for the group for next year.
Draft resolution approved last year and set the election for the general coordination and vice-coordinators on November 20th of each year, International Day. The text determined that the election will be by secret ballot and the winner will be whoever receives an absolute majority of votes in the first round and a simple majority, if there is a second. If there is a single ticket, the election may take place by acclamation.
Feliciano became coordinator last year as a result of political construction. According to members of the bench, he would have started collecting signatures to be reappointed this year. Under reservation, deputies state that, when creating the bench, rotation in the role was discussed.
Furthermore, there is an internal assessment that it is necessary to think about the profile that the bench will have next year and what the priority agendas will be, given a performance in 2024 that is. In their view, the bench did not provide objective action to society.
Deputies are expected to have a meeting this week to discuss the issue. The third year of the legislature is seen as key to giving visibility to parliamentary agendas, as there are no municipal elections and it precedes the election year. Given this context, the intention is for the bench to choose projects that help to highlight priority themes for the group.
The Panel sought out deputy Damião Feliciano, but received no response.
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