3 SIGNS attracting FINANCIAL SUCCESS until the end of NOVEMBER 2024

by Andrea
3 SIGNS attracting FINANCIAL SUCCESS until the end of NOVEMBER 2024

The three signs that attract financial success until the end of November 2024:

Although Libras have had a difficult year, November looks better than usual in terms of prospects for financial success. Although Jupiter, the planet of luck and earnings, is retrograde, it can still help. In November, retrograde Jupiter trines your sign, which could help, as Jupiter-Sun aspects are known to increase luck and wealth, especially when dealing with strangers or people at a distance.

Uranus is also in the eighth house, the house of other people’s money, loans and investments. If it makes a positive aspect in your horoscope, this should increase your chances of financial success.

Venus in Sagittarius transits the second and third houses this month, generating more communication and big ideas. Now is the time to try to implement any new ideas you want to present. Since Venus forms a sextile with your Sun, it can also draw other people to you and make you more magnetic.

In addition, both the New Moon and the Full Moon activate the house of money this month, generating opportunities for new financial beginnings. The planets are aligning in your favor in terms of earnings, dear Libra.

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November is the month in which you will enjoy a financial improvement. You have some significant aspects that will help you. Uranus is in the second house of income, and if it makes a positive aspect in your horoscope, this should bring money. Jupiter makes a sextile with your Sun, known to increase luck, opportunities and earnings. On November 19, Pluto, which created tension and friction, leaves Capricorn.

Once in Aquarius, it becomes friendlier to your sign and moves through the eleventh house, that of groups and organizations. As it forms a sextile with your Sun, this allows you to stand out at work and your ambition should increase. The Sun transits the eighth house, the house of corporate money, with Mercury this month, accentuating money and providing an opportune time to ask for a raise or a loan. A Full Moon on November 15, which falls in the second house of money, is coming up, so this two-week period should benefit your earnings and income.

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November should be a financially favorable month for you, and several planetary events will support you. Jupiter, the planet of luck and gain, is in Gemini and forms a trine to your Sun. These aspects are known for luck, opportunity and money – and can help in your love life too.

This month, Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. In many cases, this can increase your ambition and desire to make changes for the better, to give up bad habits and start a new chapter. Pluto is very strong at the 0 degree.

Transiting Saturn in Pisces is in the second house of money. On November 15, it will resume its direct motion, which is very powerful, especially if it makes a positive aspect in your horoscope. In this case, you should notice significant changes. In any case, the direct movement of Saturn can only help. Your main concern will be money during Saturn’s transit through Pisces this year and much of 2025.

Neptune in Pisces is also in the second house. Neptune can be a mixed influence, but if you have water or earth planets (other than Virgo) in the final degrees, this can benefit you and even seem idealistic in a way.

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