Trade balance deficit became 50 times smaller in 10 years

by Andrea

Study by Fundação Seade indicates the causes of the positive balance of the economy in the State of São Paulo in the last decade

The trade balance deficit in the State of São Paulo fell from US$37 billion in 2013 to US$722 million in 2023. The survey was conducted by Fundação Seade and identified, in addition to the positive balance, the causes for the decrease.

In these 10 years, São Paulo’s exports increased by 34.7%, according to the foundation. The main productive sector responsible for exports is the manufacturing industry, which represented 86.5% of products sold abroad in 2023. However, this value is seen with some apprehension by economists, given that, in 2013, the value corresponded to 95 .6% of shipments.

The continent that exported the most to São Paulo during the period observed was Asia, which purchased mainly commodities: soybeans, crude petroleum oil, meats and sugars. China alone was responsible for 25.8% of São Paulo’s shipments in the period and exports from the State of São Paulo corresponded to 21% of the Brazilian total.

Decrease in imports

The drop in imports in the State also contributed to the good results of the balance: between 2013 and 2023, imports from São Paulo fell by 20.1%, which may indicate an increase in the State’s economic autonomy. The main origin of imported products is again Asia, which corresponded to 37.1% of the total.

Among the products that arrive, manufactured goods and equipment with greater technological content and added value stand out: electrical devices for telephone and digital telecommunications, integrated circuits and electronic microassemblies, engines, parts and accessories for automobiles. Another important range of imports from São Paulo is represented by chemical inputs and agricultural pesticides.

The Seade Foundation’s survey concluded, finally, that if São Paulo’s industry does not improve and start producing and exporting products with greater added value and technological volume, the State may face serious difficulties in entering the world market competitively.

With information from .

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