Fueled by great repercussion on social media, the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) has already exceeded 130 signatures, according to data released by the federal deputy Erika Hilton (PSOL-SP)author of the text.
By the end of Monday night (11), the project had 134 signatures from parliamentarians. .
See the full list of supporters so far:
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- Airton Faleiro (PT-PA)
- Alencar Santana (PT-SP)
- Alexandre Lindenmeyer (PT-RS)
- Alfredinho (PT-SP)
- Alice Portugal (PCdoB-BA)
- Ana Paula Lima (PT-SC)
- Ana Pimentel (PT-MG)
- André Janones (Avante-MG)
- Antônia Lúcia (Republicans-AC)
- Aureo Ribeiro (Solidarity-RJ)
- Bacelar (PV-BA)
- Benedita da Silva (PT-RJ)
- Bohn Gass (PT-RS)
- Bruno Farias (Avante-MG)
- Camila Jara (PT-MS)
- Carlos Henrique Gaguim (União-TO)
- Carlos Veras (PT-PE)
- Carlos Zarattini (PT-SP)
- Carol Dartora (PT-PR)
- Célia Xakriabá (PSOL-MG)
- Célio Studart (PSD-CE)
- Chico Alencar (PSOL-RJ)
- Clodoaldo Magalhães (PV-PE)
- Dagoberto Nogueira (PSDB-MS)
- Daiana Santos (PCdoB-RS)
- Dandara (PT-MG)
- Daniel Almeida (PCdoB-BA)
- Daniel Barbosa (PP-AL)
- Daniela do Waguinho (União-RJ)
- Delegate Adriana Accorsi (PT-GO)
- Delegate Katarina (PSD-SE)
- Denise Pessôa (PT-RS)
- Dilvanda Faro (PT-PA)
- Dimas Gadelha (PT-RJ)
- Domingos Neto (PSD-CE)
- Dorinaldo Malafaia (PDT-AP)
- Douglas Viegas (União-SP)
- Dr. Francisco (PT-PI)
- Duarte Jr. (PSB-MA)
- Duda Salabert (PDT-MG)
- Elcione Barbalho (MDB-PA)
- Elisangela Araujo (PT-BA)
- Emanuel Pinheiro Neto (MDB-MT)
- Erika Hilton (PSOL-SP)
- Erika Kokay (PT-DF)
- Fernanda Melchionna (PSOL-RS)
- Fernando Mineiro (PT-RN)
- Fernando Rodolfo (PL-PE)
- Flávio Nogueira (PT-PI)
- Florentino Neto (PT-PI)
- Geraldo Resende (PSDB-MS)
- Glauber Braga (PSOL-RJ)
- Hoffmann Blues (PT-PR)
- Guilherme Boulos (PSOL-SP)
- Helder Salomão (PT-ES)
- Idilvan Alencar (PDT-CE)
- Ivan Valente (PSOL-SP)
- Ivoneide Caetano (PT-BA)
- Jack Rocha (PT-ES)
- Jandira Feghali (PCdoB-RJ)
- Jilmar Tatto (PT-SP)
- João Daniel (PT-SE)
- Jorge Solla (PT-BA)
- José Airton Félix Cirilo (PT-CE)
- José Guimarães (PT-CE)
- Joseildo Ramos (PT-BA)
- Josenildo (PDT-AP)
- Josias Gomes (PT-BA)
- Juliana Cardoso (PT-SP)
- Keniston Braga (MDB-PA)
- Kiko Celeguim (PT-SP)
- Laura Carneiro (PSD-RJ)
- Leonardo Monteiro (PT-MG)
- Lídice da Mata (PSB-BA)
- Lindbergh Farias (PT-RJ)
- Luiz Couto (PT-PB)
- Luiza Erundina (PSOL-SP)
- Luizianne Lins (PT-CE)
- Márcio Jerry (PCdoB-MA)
- Marcon (PT-RS)
- Marcos Tavares (PDT-RJ)
- Maria Arraes (Solidarity-PE)
- Maria do Rosário (PT-RS)
- Marx Beltrão (PP-AL)
- Max Lemos (PDT-RJ)
- Meire Serafim (União-AC)
- Merlong Solano (PT-PI)
- Miguel Ângelo (PT-MG)
- Moses Rodrigues (União-CE)
- Natália Bonavides (PT-RN)
- Nilto Tatto (PT-SP)
- Odair Cunha (PT-MG)
- Orlando Silva (PCdoB-SP)
- Padre João (PT-MG)
- Pastor Henrique Vieira (PSOL-RJ)
- Pastor Sergeant Isidório (Avante-BA)
- Patrus Ananias (PT-MG)
- Paulão (PT-AL)
- Paulo Guedes (PT-MG)
- Pedro Campos (PSB-PE)
- Pedro Lucas Fernandes (União-MA)
- Pedro Uczai (PT-SC)
- Prof. Reginaldo Veras (PV-DF)
- Professor Goreth (PDT-AP)
- Professor Luciene Cavalcante (PSOL-SP)
- Rafael Brito (MDB-AL)
- Reginaldo Lopes (PT-MG)
- Reginete Bispo (PT-RS)
- Reimont (PT-RJ)
- Renildo Calheiros (PCdoB-PE)
- Ricardo Ayres (Republicans-TO)
- Rogério Correia (PT-MG)
- Rubens Otoni (PT-GO)
- Rubens Pereira Júnior (PT-MA)
- Rui Falcão (PT-SP)
- Ruy Carneiro (Podemos-PB)
- Sâmia Bomfim (PSOL-SP)
- Saullo Vianna (União-AM)
- Socorro Neri (PP-AC)
- Stefano Aguiar (PSD-MG)
- Tabata Amaral (PSB-SP)
- Tadeu Veneri (PT-PR)
- Talíria Petrone (PSOL-RJ)
- Tarcísio Motta (PSOL-RJ)
- Thiago de Joaldo (PP-SE)
- Túlio Gadêlha (Rede-PE)
- Valmir Assunção (PT-BA)
- Vander Loubet (PT-MS)
- Vicentinho (PT-SP)
- Waldenor Pereira (PT-BA)
- Washington Quaquá (PT-RJ)
- Welter (PT-PR)
- Yandra Moura (União-SE)
- Zeca Dirceu (PT-PR)
What the PEC says
The proposal also provides for a reduction in the limit on the number of hours worked during the week – from the current 44 to 36.
“The work model we have today in Brazil is an extremely exploratory model. Workers do not have the opportunity to study, to improve themselves, to qualify professionally to change careers, for example. It is a scale that only serves the interest of the businessman and the employer, scrapping, making working life vulnerable and precarious in our country”, said Erika Hilton, in an interview with UOL.
“We propose a reduction in working hours. But you know very well that a PEC requires a specific number of signatures and, once these signatures are reached, we will have a rapporteur. We have a vision of which model to implement within the text of the PEC. But we are not working with this round, closed, as if there could be no space”, continues the parliamentarian.
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As it is a constitutional amendment, the votes of ⅗ of the deputies and senators are required, in two rounds of voting in each House of Congress, for the PEC to be approved. In the Chamber, this represents 308 deputies; in the Senate, 49 senators.
Before reaching the plenary, the PEC needs to go through a long process in the Legislature. The text has its constitutionality analyzed by the Constitution and Justice Commission (CCJ) and is then forwarded to a special commission.
Despite the possibility of the text beginning to be processed in Congress, Erika Hilton says she is aware that the chances of approval of the PEC, at least at this moment, are low.
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According to the deputy, “the thermometer shows us that [a aprovação da PEC] It’s going to be very difficult.” “I don’t doubt anything about these people. They are able to pull a rabbit out of the hat, invent a fictional narrative and try not to commit to that agenda.”
What the Ministry of Labor says
Through a note released on Monday, .
“The MTE believes that this issue should be addressed in conventions and collective agreements between companies and employees. However, the department considers that reducing the 40-hour working week is fully possible and healthy, given a collective decision”, says the statement released by the ministry.
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“The Ministry of Labor and Employment has been closely following the debate on the end of the 6×1 work schedule. This is a topic that requires the involvement of all sectors in an in-depth and detailed discussion, taking into account the specific needs of each area, as there are sectors of the economy that operate uninterruptedly”, the note continues.