Simple, full and fluffy like cotton candy. In autumn, shops and streets are full of them. So few can resist and buy at least one beautiful chrysanthemum. “It’s hard to resist them,” confirms our garden expert Jana Bucharová. If he takes care of it properly, he can easily make you happy again in a year.
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They are a symbol of autumn, similar to pumpkins or heathers. And maybe because there are so many different types and colors, they are loved by almost everyone. Everyone chooses their own. Or maybe ten of the ones he likes the most. The problem is that even if you buy a potted chrysanthemum and not a cut one, it doesn’t always survive a few weeks. It needs a little special care.
Over the winter to the cold
Get started as soon as you bring them home “Water them adequately and don’t be afraid to fertilize a little,” advises Jana Bucharová, an expert on garden topics from Receptář magazine, who answers all your questions about the garden in the podcast.
When the bush has finished flowering, give it a proper haircut. “Best after the fourth to sixth leaf,” recommends the expert. Then move them to a brighter, cooler place where it won’t freeze. For example, on a glazed balcony or in a cold, glazed corridor. “Water only so that the substrate does not dry out until spring,” adds Jana Bucharová. So the plant rests and prepares for the next season.
For the schnitzels
This makes the chrysanthemum look beautiful in the spring. And if it really thrives, you can even breed it. It is easy to cut. “Put cuttings about 7 to 10 centimeters long into a moist substrate and let them root at a temperature between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius somewhere that is humid,” says the expert. In order for the bushes to look nice, count on regular trimming again. Even several times during the season.
Out? I’d rather not
It is very tempting to plant chrysanthemums, for example bought in a garden store, in the garden. But the expert rather warns against it. “It is very uncertain and it can only be successful with frost-resistant varieties. So, if you want to try having a chrysanthemum in your garden, buy it where they can tell you exactly what kind it is and what it requires. Then maybe next year you will receive a bouquet from your own cut.