The defense of (PRD) filed an appeal this Tuesday (12) against the decision of the minister, of the (Supreme Federal Court), who refused to annul the convictions of the former deputy in the .
The former president of the Chamber tries to extend to himself the decision of the Supreme Court that judged the former judge suspected of trying the president (PT).
According to Cunha’s defense, the Curitiba (PR) task force and Moro acted in collusion to convict the former deputy. The sentence was set at 30 years in prison. He served three years and five months in prison, one year under house arrest and is still unable to leave the country.
“The collusion between the former judge and Prosecutors manipulated award-winning collaborations to target the aggravating party, pressuring, threatening and coercing collaborators to ‘hand over’ the aggravating party’s name”, says the defense.
Toffoli denied the request last Wednesday (6). He stated that there is no relationship between the cases in which Lula and Cunha were investigated that would justify the extent of Moro’s suspicion.
“In this way, these are issues outside the judgment whose extension of effects is sought, with there not being the necessary adherence to granting the request”, says the minister. “I have to say that the claim made at this headquarters is not viable, without prejudice to the examination of the matter by the ordinary courts.”
With the appeal, Toffoli must analyze the defense’s arguments and decide whether to change his position. Otherwise, Cunha’s case must be taken to trial in the Second Panel of the STF, composed of him and ministers Edson Fachin, Gilmar Mendes, Nunes Marques and André Mendonça.
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