If Jimmy Mohamed, before him, another doctor largely made the heyday of television. No need to introduce it, it is of course . Although today he is no longer on the air, the scientist continues to provide on social networks, where he is followed by nearly 300k subscribers on his personal account, on Instagram, and 370k subscribers on the account of Dr.Good! (Webedia – in its health vertical Webedia Care). But not only that, since the one who retired as a doctor also shares his knowledge through his various works. While A year 2025 In great shape (ed. Solar and Dr.Good!) was published on November 7, it is in Cheers, it’s up to you!released by the same editions, that we discover a statistic that catches our attention.
“Three out of five French people never consume whole products“, this is what the 67-year-old doctor shares. And yet, as the title of this chapter explains so well”Cereals: complete or nothing!“. Michel Cymes focuses on the foods found in almost all French kitchens: bread, pasta, rice, cornflakes and other mueslis“the pillars of our daily diet“And of course we need to take a closer look at their full version, because it is the one that is much better for our health.”It will be of service to our organizations as well as to public health.“, he recalls in this work. And in this area, our country can still make significant progress.
Michel Cymes reveals what you’re losing by not choosing whole grains
“Preferring refined products means impoverishing your dietlit. A refined cereal is a cereal from which its bran covering and germ are removed.whereby we kill two bad birds with one stone: on the one hand because the envelope is full of fiber, on the other hand because the germ is full of micronutrients.” So by opting for a refined version of wheat in your pasta or rice, you are depriving yourself of three quarters of the fiber, a quarter of the protein and “a host of minerals and vitamins“. “On the vitamin front, it’s a massacre! 95% of the vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant and one of the best allies of a good immune system, is disappearing, while the B vitamin family, involved in energy production and useful for combating fatigue, is also decimated.“, writes Michel Cymes.