No one would ask such a question to the Slovak acting diva! Zdena Studenková (70) often performs in Yojkár’s Incognita alongside her colleague Vlad Voštinár (60). The joke he cracked last time was on the edge, the newspaper points out. He recently added them in Incognito actor Maroš Kramár, who instigated it all.
Kramár recently became a father of four, so moderator Voštinár asked him about it. “I am often asked how my little one is doing. I say fine. The child on the phone is great, because when I call my partner and she starts crying, I immediately hang up. But when I’m at home, I have to say that I always look forward to it! Guys, you have work to do. But you have time,” stated.
He dedicated those words to Michal Hudák and Marián Čekovský, alluding to the fact that they are still young compared to him. He became the father of another child at the age of 65. Then came a question that no one expected.
Voštinár asked Studenkova something unexpected. “You, Zdenka and Maroš, are roughly the same age. Aren’t you going to be a mother?” he unpacked at her and colleague Hudák just shook his head. The actress was shocked, but she kept her composure.
“You know what, Maroš and I played Chrobák in our heads for 25 years. That was the show we aged a quarter of a century. Jožo Vajda asked Kamila Magálova there, she was about 60 years old: And the children? And she replied, we don’t have children yet! We’ll save that for later,” concluded Studenková and stunned everyone.
Did she make him feel it when the cameras went off? “Zdenka was certainly not offended. She didn’t even say anything to me after filming. But yes, it can happen, but fortunately, we know each other so well that we know what we can afford towards the other and what we can’t,” explained Pluske Voštinár.
“It hasn’t happened to us for a long time that someone shot at the other’s address. Life with a view and Incognito is exactly that, we still see it as fun, even if it is sarcastic. Sarcasm belongs to humor and humor has no limits. We have it to make it bearable and acceptable,” he added in conclusion.