Spending cut package should affect the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development
The government allocated R$62.3 billion to the (National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development) from 2015 to 2024. The amount refers to the budget allocation for the device over 10 years.
During the period, R$33.5 billion was paid, which includes amounts from each year’s financial year and outstanding amounts payable from previous years. When considering only the amount paid for each year, the total is R$28.3 billion since 2015.
Created in 1969, the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development aims to finance innovation and scientific and technological development in Brazil. It is under the umbrella of (Studies and Projects Financier), a public company linked to , headed by .
The FNDCT is in the crosshairs of the president’s (PT) spending review package, according to the report. Poder360. As a result, the tendency is for there to be many cuts in the area of science and technology, if the measures advance in Congress.
So far, the Minister of Finance, , has not announced the package of cuts. The head of the economic team discusses spending reviews with other ministers.
On Wednesday (Nov 13), there was a meeting between Haddad and the Minister of Defense, José Múcio, to discuss cutting spending among the military. THE Poder360 found that the cut in the Armed Forces’ budget was more significant with a reform of the military’s pension system.
O Poder360 He sought advice from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation by email to obtain a position on the cuts that the area should suffer as a result of the spending review package. The minister was also asked, via WhatsApp, about the situation involving the FNDCT and the cuts that the fund must suffer.
There was no response until the publication of this report. The space remains open for demonstrations.