Elza Fiúza / ABr
In conversation with a psychologist, the teacher admitted the crime with girls under 9 years old. But without pleasure, he guarantees.
One professor from a primary school in the district of Braga admitted ter sexually abused of children.
The teacher is being accused by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of 3.800 crimes of sexual abuse 12 girlswho taught.
During the court process, he spoke to a psychologist, in an interview for forensic examination, and admitted the crime – which lasted seven years.
“I sexually abused childrensome on the outside, others on the inside of the clothes, for seven years I was at that school. They were my students”, says .
The same teacher, aged 50, is aware of his “totally incorrect” behavior and ensures that never took advantage of these moments to have pleasure.
It also ensured that has no sexual interest by minors. “I had never had any kind of impetus for this situation.”
The teacher thinks he abused the children because he drank wine at lunch and thus “lost consciousness”.
But he also said: “It was not knowing how to stop” – and the psychologist warns that there is a “high risk” of the teacher repeating the crimes. The teacher “presents high risk of reiteration of abusive behavior”, cites the same newspaper.
Os parents only knew of this case when they were contacted by the Police Braga Judiciary – which received a complaint from the school, following complaints filed by some former students (who are now in high school).
The same teacher is also accused of five crimes of pornography of minors and three of mistreatment.