Hairdresser Suziele Gomes de Oliveira, ex-girlfriend of federal highway police officer (PRF) Raphael Ângelo Alves da Nóbrega, stated in her statement that she made four car trips with the PRF to Fortaleza, in Ceará, where they transported 2 tons of drugs.
Reproduction/ PF Inquiry
Suziele gave her statement on 7/11, after being arrested as part of Operation Puritas, which investigates an interstate drug trafficking scheme involving PRFs and military police. The drugs were delivered to Comando Vermelho. The column had access to the content of the hearing.
In her statement to the PF, Raphael’s ex-partner did not mince words and said that she felt comfortable speaking even without the presence of a lawyer. She explained that she was “abandoned” after being arrested in the act, in July 2023, transporting 542 kilos of cocaine.
Suziele reported that she met Raphael between 2021 and 2022, during which they had a romantic relationship. She told investigators that it was the police officer who convinced her to accompany him on trips to transport the drugs and that she was surprised by the invitation, since Raphael is a PRF.
She admitted that, in addition to Raphael, she went on trips with PRF Diego Dias Duarte with the same objective. Suziele also said that she received a cell phone from Diego to use specifically in matters related to drug trafficking.
Raphael Ângelo and Diego Duarte, as well as three other military police officers, were also targeted. , the agents were responsible for transporting tons of drugs destined mainly for Comando Vermelho (CV) in the state of Ceará.
In Suziele’s case, the PF points out that she accompanied the transport carried out by the investigated group, carrying out, among other functions, navigation on the routes used by the organization.
Both Suziele and the police obeyed the commands of drug trafficker José Heliomar de Souza, known as Léo and appointed by the PF as an intellectual mentor, coordinator and leader of the criminal organization based in Porto Velho, Rondônia. She said in her statement that she received R$15,000 in October 2022 to transport drugs.
PRF and ex were arrested in 2023 with half a ton of cocaine
823 kilometers from Cuiabá. At the time, Raphael overturned the truck he was driving with the drugs, and the couple tried to escape, but were captured.
In one of the cell phones seized from Suziele, investigators found several searches and a history of routes taken to transport drugs.
At that time, according to a PF investigation to which the column had access, Raphael was already being investigated for drug trafficking and worked at the PRF unit in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. During the investigation, the PF identified that he received a Jeep Compass as a form of payment for transporting drugs.
Ricardo Lewandowski, on July 24 of this year, due to a Disciplinary Administrative Process (PAD).
Regarding Diego Duarte, he is currently assigned to the PRF of Bahia, but has previously worked in the city of Guajará-Mirim, in Rondônia, on the border with Bolivia. . The Federal Police seized a safe containing R$580,000 and US$8,100 in cash from his home in Feira de Santana.
Suziele’s other connections with Heliomar
In October 2022, Suziele had already been approached by the Federal Highway Police on BR-070, on the border between Mato Grosso and Goiás. At the time, the hairdresser was in a truck with Heliomar, the intellectual mentor of the criminal organization, and Kevin Rodrigo from Oliveira Santos, who was also investigated, but died.
During that approach, PRF agents did not find any illegality in the vehicle, but even so they recorded that the three demonstrated “nervousness” and gave “contradictory and incoherent” responses.
They said they were traveling from Cuiabá (MT) to Goiânia (GO). But the fact that Heliomar lives in Porto Velho (RO) made the agents question the trio even more. Another fact that caught the police officers’ attention on that occasion was the fact that Heliomar arrived in the city with one vehicle (Jeep Compass) and left the city in another (S10).
José Heliomar explained that the Jeep Compass was loaned by “a friend who is a federal highway police officer”. During the investigations, it was proven that the PRF is Diego Duarte, who had rented the vehicle for the trio to travel from Porto Velho to Cuiabá.
The PF, in collaboration with the PRF Internal Affairs, gathered evidence that Raphael Ângelo and Diego Duarte rented vehicles in their names so that the group could transport drugs without raising suspicions from the police and highway inspection.