A simple trick will help improve the performance of your radiator. The room will be warmer and at the same time the heating bills will not increase. All you need is a piece of stiff cardboard and foil. Using these two things, you will create a heat reflecting screen that should be placed between the radiator and the wall. This small measure can help keep heat in the room instead of escaping through the walls.

Radiators are often installed in places where heat escapes most easily, ie near external walls and under windows. However, there is a way to reduce heat loss, especially in poorly insulated buildings. Wrap the cardboard in aluminum foil and make sure that the shiny side is facing the radiator – it’s the one that reflects the heat. Such a home-made screen behind the radiator will reduce the heat absorption of the walls and reduce energy consumption.

Pay attention to the efficiency of the radiators

If you don’t want to make the screen yourself, ready-made solutions are available at home improvement stores. They can be easily mounted on the wall and their effectiveness is comparable to the home method. Their price ranges from several to several €.

Experts advise to pay attention to the efficiency of radiators at the beginning of the heating season. It is crucial to ventilate them and remove accumulated dust, both of which can significantly improve heating efficiency.

In order for the heating to reach maximum efficiency, leave space for the radiators to spread the heat. This means, do not cover radiators with furniture or curtains and do not dry laundry on them. Also, don’t forget to lower the temperature at night, which can improve your sleep and lower your bills at the same time.

Sparing use of radiators does not have to mean giving up comfort. Small changes in everyday habits can add up to significant savings, which is especially important given the rising cost of living.

Is the radiator warm at the top and cold at the bottom? Proceed as follows