All foods, regardless of whether they are dry or wet, will stay fresher and tastier longer if stored properly. It is no different with coffee beans. When coffee is stored in good conditions, it does not get stale and retains its unique aroma for longer. Three experts revealed where it is best to store coffee in order to enjoy its excellent taste.

Fresh, beautifully smelling and aromatic coffee is the favorite start of the day for every coffee lover. However, it is easy to spoil this pleasure if the coffee, from which we later prepare a refreshing drink, is stored incorrectly. This is a product that is sensitive to both light and moisture. Therefore, you need to know where it is best to store it in order to enjoy its unique properties for as long as possible.

Where to store coffee? This is the best place, it doesn’t get stale

Simply Recipes asked three experts: Ever Meister, who is a journalist, author of a coffee book and a specialist in the coffee industry with 24 years of experience, Chris Poirier, a cafe owner and judge in barista competitions, and Allison Van Rassel, who dedicates professionally as a food blogger.

All experts agree on the best place to store coffee beans to preserve their freshness and flavor. An airtight container is the ideal solution.

“It would be best if it was a vacuum container with a valve to prevent the entry of moisture, light and air, i.e. the three factors that negatively affect coffee”

– explains Ever Meister.

A container with a pump for extracting air will also work.

Chris Poirer and Allison Van Rassel suggest that you can also use glass containers (but be careful, do not expose such a container to direct sunlight) or ceramic containers. Van Rassel chooses ceramic, additionally equipped with a thick cork lid.

Specialists also explained whether it is possible to keep the coffee in its original packaging, if we don’t have a container. Ever Meister stipulates that you can do this, but only if the bag is tightly closed, e.g. zip pocket. He advises that coffee sold in plain brown paper bags should be poured into another container.

Can coffee expire? Its shelf life ends at a certain point

Coffee can be stored for up to two years, and if we drink it after the expiration date, it will not harm us. However, its taste will not be the same. The coffee will be less aromatic. But remember that coffee can go bad. Oxygen, light, moisture and heat accelerate this process. Therefore, it is worth storing it in dry and cool places.

Coffee beans are much more durable. Therefore, it is worth grinding them every time, only when you want to drink coffee. It retains its aroma and taste for about a month after opening the tightly sealed package.

Baking soda and coffee make a great pair in the kitchen. See what they can do together