Candidate for the government of São Paulo in 2014, he referred to his party colleague as “the new hunter of maharajas” in a post on social media.
According to the professor of International Relations at the Federal University of ABC, the federal deputy seems to wear the costume of the former president with his bill for public service.
In 1989, Collor presented himself as “” in the campaign that led him to the Presidency of the Republic, with the promise that he would eliminate employees who received high salaries.
Boulos’ project aims to prevent public servants from receiving a monthly payment higher than the ceiling established by the Constitution, which is currently R$44,000 (corresponding to the salary of ministers of the Federal Supreme Court).
What happens today is that based on remunerations known as “gimmicks” —housing allowance, compensation funds and others—some of them manage to accumulate earnings above the ceiling.
The parliamentarian states, in the justification of the project, that “adapting the salary ceiling to the limits established by the Constitution would generate savings of around R$5 billion to the public coffers”.
Maringoni says that Boulos intends to “regain protagonism in the face of the overwhelming campaign against , led by his party colleagues Erika Hilton and Rick Azevedo”. In this sense, he states, it is an initiative of a “divisive nature”.
He also says that the proposal “seeks to show the public service as a mess and a source of social inequalities, as the media repeats” and that “strictly speaking, there is no issue of super salaries in Brazil, but starvation wages for the civil service base.”
The professor concludes that Boulos’ project carries a logic “dear to liberals” and “enters a dangerous path by turning its batteries towards the State and not towards private gains from the world of finance and its interference in public life”.
According to him, social inequalities in Brazil occur mainly between “the gains of labor and those of capital”, and not between salaried workers, which the former candidate for mayor of São Paulo would not have been able to realize when drafting his bill.
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