The PS will vote against all legislative authorizations in the State Budget for 2025 (OE2025), including those that aim to change the sickness, mobility, strike and vacation regimes in public service.
In an interview with Antena 1 and Jornal de Negócios, Pedro Nuno Santos said, this Saturday, that the Socialist Party “all legislative authorizations will fail”.
The PS general secretary stated that this is a vote against “as a matter of principle” and said refuse to give “a blank check” to the Government in a matter that is the responsibility of parliament, where the Government parties, PSD and CDS, are in the minority.
“The matter that is the responsibility of the Assembly of the Republic has to pass and be decided in the Assembly of the Republic”, he said, and the PS will not give “a blank check” nor will it “enable any of the legislative authorizations” that are included in the Budget of the State.
If you want to legislate, said Pedro Nuno Santos, on the program, the The Executive must draft a law and present it to the Assembly.
“Legislative authorizations are an important instrument that the former Government resorted to, but it had a majority in Parliament and, therefore, this majority gave the Government the possibility of making the diploma it wanted to make. Today we have a fragmented Parliament and, therefore, the matter within the competence of the Assembly of the Republic has to be decided in the Assembly of the Republic”, observed the socialist leader.
Legislative authorizations
Legislative authorizations are distinguished from proposed lawsgiven that you only have to define the object on which you intend to legislate, in which direction the legislation goes, its extent and duration.
The Government has already met on the issue with public service unions last week and has a new round of talks on Tuesday, November 26th.
In one of the requests for legislative authorization, which appears in the OE2025 proposal, the Government expresses its intention to amend several articles of the general law on work in public functions, namely those relating to justification due to illness, the mobility consolidation regime, the right to vacation and prior notice of strike.
In OE2025 there is also another request for legislative authorization from the Government with a view to creating “a pilot project in the field of the integrated system for managing and evaluating the performance of services, managers and workers, regardless of the method of establishing the legal employment relationship public”.