Dozens of nurses at the Aveiro hospital say they have thousands of euros to earn in overtime. They feel discriminated against and guarantee that colleagues from other hospital units have already been paid and made retroactive.
First they met in plenary inside the hospital. Afterwards, fifty nurses from the Local Health Unit of the Aveiro Region left for the main entrance. Over there gave voice to the main demands related to the lack of updated remunerations.
“The main demand is in relation to individual employment contracts, that retroactive payments to 2018 be paid exactly on par with colleagues who have public service contracts. We also want to have the same number of vacation days for every 10 years“, nurse Graça Tavares told SIC.
The situation will affect more than 500 nurses in the Aveiro region, who have individual employment contracts. They demand that ULS management pay retroactive payments to 2018, as is already the case in several hospitals in the country.
The administration of ULS in Aveiro finds the nurses’ demonstration strange. He says that after a meeting with human resources he had already made a commitment to meet the demands that he had the autonomy to resolve.
O talks about salary discrimination and promises to maintain protest actions until ULS in Aveiro effectively pays professionals.