She put the tomato in the microwave for a while and solved the worries of thousands of housewives

by Andrea

Tomatoes are an absolutely essential food in the kitchen. They can be processed in several ways and are healthy. But what happens when you put them in the microwave? This will solve a problem that several housewives have. Look.

Tomatoes are an absolutely basic food that absolutely everyone should have in their kitchen. They can be used in several ways. You can make them a great appetizer when you slice the tomatoes and serve them with mozzarella and arugula covered in balsamic.

You can also use them as a sauce for spaghetti, as part of a homemade hamburger, it is possible to make several sauces from them, or use them for a salad, or just for children as a healthy snack. The possibilities are simply endless.

You can find a YouTube video on how to easily peel a tomato on the Lidl Kitchen channel:

Source: Youtube


Tomatoes are not only an absolutely universal part of dishes, but they are also very healthy. They are a source of several important vitamins and minerals. As for vitamins, tomatoes contain the absolutely essential vitamin C, which is essential for your immunity and metabolism. You can also find vitamin K in tomatoes, which is essential for proper blood clotting and maintaining healthy bones, as well as folic acid, which is essential for blood formation and is also recommended during pregnancy.

What else tomatoes contain is an antioxidant called lycopene. First, it gives tomatoes their red color, but second, and more importantly, it helps lower LDL cholesterol. From minerals, you can find potassium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, selenium, magnesium, calcium and many others in tomatoes, which are essential for your health. It can therefore be said that tomatoes are such an explosion of health for your body.

Tomatoes in the microwave

You already know that tomatoes are healthy. But they have one drawback, and that is the insanely difficult peeling. When you need to peel tomatoes, you need to blanch them. Tomatoes need to be scalded in hot water, then quickly transferred to a bowl of ice water, lightly bathed in it, and only then can you peel them. And that wastes water outrageously, and most of all, it’s a rather long process. However, one woman came up with a trick that would make peeling tomatoes much easier.

It’s absolutely simple. First, take the tomato and use a knife to cut the skin into an X shape and pierce the fruit. This will prevent the tomato from cracking unnecessarily, and it will also be easier to peel later.

After cutting the skin, put the tomatoes in the microwave oven and heat them for half a minute at the highest power. Then turn off the microwave and let the tomatoes cook for another 2 minutes. Then take them out of the microwave and peel them easily with a knife. And there is no need to waste water.


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