your name It is Santa Cruz del Islote and is located in the Atlantic Oceantwo hours by boat from , the country to which it belongs. The history of this island is most surreal, since in just over a century its inhabitants have managed to build the most populated territory in the world, with a population density of 125,000 inhabitants/square km.
More than 1,200 people live within its borders – 10,000 square meters – so each one has around about 10 square meters for your personal use and enjoyment. But not only that, since there are houses that have rooms of about 5 or 6 meters. in which up to four people can reside and sleepsomething that accounts for the almost incompatibility with a standard life on this peculiar islet.
But its singularities reach unsuspected limits, and the fact is that, among many other things, in this place there is no . lThe locals understand each other and try to resolve quarrels and problems by themselves, Although it is common that in certain situations you have to resort to the opinion and verdict of the most experienced people in the area, so that they are the ones who resolve the dispute in question.
And in this place, the elderly have special treatment, and are highly respected by the rest of the population. It should be noted that the of the islet, despite the limited vital conditions, It is more than 90 years old.
For its part, the island has everything necessary to live: having 97 homes, a school in which children of different ages share classes, a health center and small businesses such as a restaurant and a hotel, both exclusive for tourists.
Furthermore, if you look at the place, you will realize that the houses and streets do not follow any type of logic, but are built on top of each other since it is not required There is no type of permit nor is it necessary to pay for them.
From 2 to 5 children per family
Despite how idyllic it may seem, being the most densely populated place in the world It also has numerous negative aspectss. And, although it is an island full of history, centuries-old traditions and customs, pollution, overpopulation – it is very common to see women at 16 years old who already have at least one child – because all couples have on average between 3 and 5 children, The dumping of waste into the sea and a depletion of natural resources, especially fish, has caused a critical situation in the area.
For their part, they obtain energy thanks to the 180 solar panels ininstalled on the island that allow greater sustainability of the place as well as an improvement in the quality of life of people, greatly reduced by aquatic pollutionthe accumulation of waste or lack of light among other reasons.
Solar panels in Santa Cruz del Islote
All in all, it is easy to see that the hospitality of the natives, as well as a unique lifestyle, marked by a unique culinary tradition, the presence of music in any aspect of life and good treatment of touristsmake this place a most interesting and peculiar area where you can go and be amazed by a way of life far from everything known.
Visiting the place is possible for tourists for two hours for a price of 18 dollars depending on the season of the year in which they are. To get to the place, visitors will have to take a boat from Coveñas, Tolú, Berrugas or Cartagena.