DuDu Ferreira / Facebook
“Dudu” Ferreira, the third heir of Marco Paulo
He is second class deputy chief of the Braga Sapadores Firefighters. This week, he was informed that he inherited 10% of Marco Paulo’s fortune, which could reach 80 million euros.
Marco Paulo made his will in 2009, but, contrary to what was thought, he made changes on February 20, 2023.
Now, he explains that his compadre Antônio Coelho (“Toni“) and his son, Marco Antônio (“Marquinho“), godson of Marco Paulo, will not receive 50% of the inheritance each, but rather 45%, to make room for the friend that only those closest to him knew: the firefighter Eduardo Ferreira, but known as “Dudu”.
Lawyer Joana da Costa Ferreira, who represents the firefighter, told JN that her client “wants all Marco Paulo’s wishes to be fulfilled“. But what kind of friendship did the popular singer have on October 24th?
In fact, “Dudu” is already known in Braga, for his associative, union and political activity. AND son of a former junta president from the parish of Oliveira São Pedro, the socialist Mesquita Machado.
“Dudu” is a firefighter, second class deputy chief, and union leader. In the last years of Marco Paulo’s life, they will have developed a great friendship.
“I found out yesterday that it was in the will“, Eduardo Ferreira told the magazine this Tuesday. If a fortune of R$80 million is confirmed, “Dudu”, who is entitled to 10%, gets 8 million euros for you. The artist’s brothers and nephews were excluded from the will.
Marco Paulo was 79 years old and was considered the “king” of romantic music in Portugal. The singer, who had recently been diagnosed with two cancers, one in the lung and the other in the liver, received the news in September that the chemotherapy was not working and would be suspended.
She had successfully fought abdominal cancer in 1996 and breast cancer in 2020, but finally lost her last battle in October.