Horoscope of the day: check out what the stars reveal for this Friday

by Andrea
Horoscope of the day: check out what the stars reveal for this Friday


Stardate: Waning Moon in Scorpio.

Transform each day into a reminder that you were not born to just be a reproducer of nature nor of the system we call civilization, but you were born mainly to decide, in the depths of your heart, to be greater than the circumstances, than the scenario in which you live. you exist, you were born to respond affirmatively to the ardor of your heart that connects you to a broad and inclusive vision.

If your life is limited to reproducing nature and civilization, you will be unhappy, because you will have closed the door that once opened, and shown you a broad and inclusive vision of a reality much greater than that of reproduction, it showed you the creative vein which is characteristic of each and every human being, showed you that freedom consists of deciding to be greater than anything that oppresses us.

Horoscope of the day: check out what the stars reveal for this Friday

(Image: Thanumporn Thongkongkaew | Shutterstock) – (credit: EdiCase)

ARIES (birth between 3/21 and 4/20)

People make noise with their opinions, intending to be treated as owners of the truth, but each of them has a different truth, suggesting that they are most likely all wrong.

TAURUS (birth between 4/21 and 5/20)

No matter how comfortable your current situation is, it begins to turn into a prison, in which your beautiful ideas about the future are trapped, waiting for the chance to express themselves. Don’t wait, do it.

GEMINI (birth between 21/5 to 20/6)

Building relationships is the true destiny of our humanity, and that is precisely why loneliness weighs so heavily on the soul, as it reveals that we have become dangerously distant from our destiny.

CANCER (birth between 6/21 and 7/21)

Use discernment to distinguish the interesting potentialities that present themselves now, from those that wouldn’t even be worth wasting time delighting in, no matter how bright and promising they seem.

LEO (born between 7/22 and 8/22)

In addition to all the work you do, it is of fundamental importance that you reserve enough quality time for rest, because with a light and relaxed soul, you will make wiser decisions.

VIRGO (born between 8/23 and 9/22)

Complete what you can and what would be a relief, so you no longer have to carry so much on your shoulders. If you can’t give an end point, at least do something to get closer to it. That’s it.

LIBRA (born between 9/23 and 10/22)

Divinity, as well as evil, are in the details. Therefore, from now on, pay more attention to all the details that you consider interesting, because without attention they become loose ends.

SCORPIO (born between 10/23 and 11/22)

Now is when your soul needs to feel safe, but to obtain this result it would be necessary to embark on the adventure of obtaining material resources, and this, paradoxically, involves taking some risks.

SAGITTARIUS (born between 11/22 and 12/21)

Not all initiatives should be taken at a time when the heart burns with the desire to move forward. This is why we were born human beings, to not only depend on impulses, but also on the construction of wisdom.

CAPRICORN (born between 12/22 and 1/20)

No matter how powerful your current will is, it will be better to buy time and postpone the actions that you would implement with the initiatives. Any time you gain will be a greater benefit gained.

AQUARIUS (born between 1/21 and 2/19)

There are lots of people and all of them, in one way or another, are willing to establish relationships, even if superficially. However, the quality people you need are rare, but they exist.

PISCES (born between 2/20 and 3/20)

Enthusiastically launch your ideas into the future, but consider with affection the experiences accumulated in recent times, through which your soul learned to differentiate good ideas from disposable fantasies. In front.

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