From 2025, the Acre Public Defender’s Office will have new leadership. Juliana Marques, elected in November, takes on the role of general public defender on January 30, promising to continue the institution’s excellent work and further expanding access to justice in the state.
In an exclusive conversation with the column Douglas Richer, from ContilNet, Juliana spoke about her career, her plans for the Public Defender’s Office and revealed details of her personal life, in a light and inspiring chat.
Juliana Marques, elected in November, assumes the role of general public defender on January 30/Photo provided to the Douglas Richer column
“I’m passionate about the Public Defender’s Office. I discovered the institution in the last year of law school, in São Paulo, and I immediately identified with the mission of helping those who need it most. It was a dream to return to the North, so when I saw the competition for Acre, I knew it was my opportunity”he said.
In conversation with this journalist, Juliana revealed that she began her career at the institution in 2007, working in Plácido de Castro and Acrelândia, cities that marked her training as a public defender. “It was a transformative experience. Working in the interior gave me a clear vision of how the Public Defender’s Office makes a difference in people’s lives.”
To the ContilNet She told the new defender that she was born in Vilhena, Rondônia, grew up in a simple environment in the interior, but today lives a modern and dynamic routine in Rio Branco.
During the interview with the website, he highlighted the importance of his family. “My husband and my family are my base. They understand the importance of my work and encourage me to keep going, even on the most challenging days.”
Mother of two boys, Dante and Lorenzo, she said in a relaxed chat with this journalist that she values every moment with them/Photo courtesy of the Douglas Richer column
Married to Military Police Captain Souza Júnior and mother of two boys, Dante and Lorenzo, she said in a relaxed chat with this journalist who values every moment with them, even with his busy schedule.
The defender also revealed the coluna Douglas Richerabout your health care. “I love training and eating well. Taking care of your health is not just an aesthetic issue, it is about having the energy and willingness to do my best in everything I do”explained Juliana, who maintains a disciplined exercise and healthy eating routine.
The defender also revealed the Douglas Richer column, about her health care/Photo provided to the Douglas Richer column
When asked about the challenges facing the Public Defender’s Office, Juliana was direct. “We want the Public Defender’s Office to be present in every corner of Acre, always providing humanized and efficient service. We will also invest in technology to facilitate the population’s access to our services”, he stated. Among recent advances, she highlighted the inauguration of the Sena Madureira headquarters and announced the delivery of the new Plácido de Castro unit, scheduled for January 2025.
New Sena Madureira Public Defender’s Office/Photo provided to the Douglas Richer column
At the end of the interview with the ContilNetJuliana left a message of optimism and determination: “My goal is to continue taking the Ombudsman’s Office closer to people and strengthen this essential institution. Those who cannot pay legal fees know the importance of our work, and we will not stop here.” Visionary and determined, Juliana Marques takes the lead with the mission of expanding the reach of the Public Defender’s Office and transforming even more lives in Acre.
See photos provided exclusively for this column: