José Sena Goulão / Lusa
Former prime minister and former PS leader, José Sócrates
Former prime minister considers presence in honor of Mário Soares in Parliament. “He wasn’t just a friend, he was much more than that (…) he meant a lot in my life, in recent years”, confesses Sócrates.
José Sócrates is considering participating in the evocative session marking the centenary of Mário Soares’ birth, scheduled for December 6 not Parliament.
This is an exception for Socrates, who usually refuses invitations to solemn sessions, as he recalled to: “Unlike other sessions, where I would immediately say no, in this case, I will think about it.”
Despite not having yet received the official invitation from the Assembly of the Republic, the former governor should be invited in the next few daysas is usual practice for former heads of Government.
Sócrates mentioned having been invited to the 25th of November session, but rejected the invitation immediately, reinforcing that the context and personal connection with Mário Soares make this event a special occasion. “I was invited, for example, to the session on November 25th, but I immediately said I wouldn’t go”, he told the weekly.
Mário Soares played a central role not only in Portuguese politics, but in the path of Sócrates, who remembers that, in recent years, the relationship between them was closewith Soares even visiting Sócrates at the Évora Prison, during the period in which he was detained under the .
“He wasn’t just a friend, he was much more than that. I was a friend and a great admirer of Mário Soares. He is someone who has meant a lot in my life in recent years. And that is something for me, very, very important”, emphasizes the former prime minister.
However, he admits that he may choose alternative ways of celebrating the life and legacy of the former President of the Republic.
The evocative session, unlike the one generated around , should have a greater political consensus, with the participation of all parliamentary groups expected, including Chega, which, “in principle”, will be present, although the possible participation of Sócrates could influence this decision, party sources confirm to Expresso.
The event will include military honors and protocol adjustments to honor the figure of Soares, following a format similar to the 25th of November celebrations.