Angels in Earthly Flesh: 5 Softest Zodiac Signs – Are You Among Them?

by Andrea
Angels in Earthly Flesh: 5 Softest Zodiac Signs - Are You Among Them?

Some of us dream of a hot-tempered and temperamental partner, such as Aries, Leo or Scorpio. However, some prefer a calm, intelligent and sincere partner whose actions can be predicted (there will definitely be no broken dishes). We will tell you which zodiac signs are the most gentle: astrologers have compiled a list of 5 such signs.

The first place is Cancer

Hardly anyone will be surprised that the first place in the list of the gentlest signs is taken by Cancer. This is what the Water element decided with the Moon, which rules Cancer. It was this heavenly body that gave him such a gentle and loving character. The Moon is responsible for Cancer’s ability to empathize – this sign always feels if something is wrong with a loved one and tries to help him. The representative of this sign is a very tactful friend and reliable partner who will never reproach you, judge you or criticize you. The element of water gives Cancer a rare ability to think deeply and give wise advice. In addition, Cancer is a loyal friend or romantic partner who will never betray your secrets. However, be careful: above all, Cancer never forgives betrayal. Second, Cancer will never open up to a superficial or boastful person.

Angels in Earthly Flesh: 5 Softest Zodiac Signs - Are You Among Them?

The second place is Pisces

You really shouldn’t expect aggression, humiliation or attack from the representatives of this sign. If Pisces doesn’t like something, he is more likely to cry impulsively and shut himself in the room: a representative of this sign will do everything that is called typical hysteria. Representatives of this sign desire only sincere love and loyalty. Pisces are ready to give all this in return. Representatives of this sign often put other people’s feelings and needs much higher than their own. They are ready to lower themselves just to make their beloved happy. Pisces never vigorously defends its position and never bombards the opponent with arguments. Representatives of this sign are ready to accept and understand someone else’s point of view (but deep down they hold their own). In addition, Pisces has no desire to waste energy on passive aggression or intrigue. Representatives of this sign do not know how to hide their emotions: it is all reflected in their faces.

Third place – Libra

It is difficult to find a more harmonious and even more peace-loving person than Libra. Representatives of this sign simply cannot physically be in a toxic or aggressive environment, so they always surround themselves with positive people and positive thoughts. If a conflict breaks out, Libra will definitely try to make it last as short as possible. The representative of this sign is definitely not one of those people who quickly gets offended and stops answering phone calls. Libra tries to put an end to the conflict as quickly as possible and to return to normal life. If you are going through a difficult period, the representative of this sign will definitely support you. Libra is very intelligent and always gives wise and effective advice.

However, it is important not to overdo it. Remember that Libra is the main hedonist of the Zodiac. If there is a person near them who is apathetic and “clips his wings” with his dystopian thoughts, Libra will quickly say goodbye to him, because peace of mind is the most valuable thing for them. One more thing – Libra forgives loved ones easily and quickly, but their kindness is not infinite. If the representative of this sign sees that you are rude, aggressive or prone to violence, he will leave immediately.

Angels in Earthly Flesh: 5 Softest Zodiac Signs - Are You Among Them?

Fourth place – Virgo

Virgos are often criticized for being critical, too cautious and wanting to put everything on the shelves. Have you ever wondered why Virgos do this? In fact, representatives of this sign strive to make life as prosperous and predictable as possible, so that not only they, but also their loved ones feel comfortable. Virgo will certainly make sure that her family members follow certain rules, but she will also ensure their healthy sleep and quality leisure time. It’s really not worth getting offended by Virgo’s criticism. Representatives of this sign are cruel and sarcastic only with those who are not close to them, or with those who have greatly offended them. Virgos will gently and tactfully make comments, give advice and offer help to their friends, children and their partner. Although the representatives of the Virgo sign can point out all your shortcomings without blinking, they will never talk you down.

Angels in Earthly Flesh: 5 Softest Zodiac Signs - Are You Among Them?

Fifth place – Taurus

The main secret of Taurus happiness is to find “your” person. Taurus needs a person who will not argue with him (a representative of this sign simply cannot stand it), who will not suppress Taurus’ self-esteem and always strive for material well-being. With their loved ones, Taurus are extremely gentle people, ready to forgive a lot. Taurus will definitely not humiliate you in public and cause a scandal – they know their value, and such actions reduce it. In addition, this Earth sign will not spare money and energy if you have any problems. However, there are “red lines” that should not be crossed. First, do not disturb the comfort of the Taurus, if you do not want him to be hot-tempered and aggressive. Taurus likes to spend time alone and feel freedom in their relationship with their partner. Second, don’t make Taurus jealous. Even a little flirting will definitely not ignite passion. Quite the opposite: it can cause Taurus to mistrust their partner. Third, don’t forget how materialistic Tauruses are. They won’t be serenaded – order the latest Chanel handbag instead.

Angels in Earthly Flesh: 5 Softest Zodiac Signs - Are You Among Them?

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