The camellia will burst into bloom in mid-winter. Your neighbors will envy your plant

by Andrea
The camellia will burst into bloom in mid-winter. Your neighbors will envy your plant

Japanese camellia is an exotic evergreen plant that blooms in winter, not very popular in Poland. It comes from the tea family and delights with its spectacular beauty. It is difficult to take your eyes off its dark green shiny leaves and decorative colorful flowers (single, double or semi-double).

It can be quite capricious, but you definitely won’t regret buying it. You just need to put some commitment into growing it and it will surely reward you. Find out how to care for the Japanese camellia so that it becomes the queen of the windowsill.

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Japanese camellia comes from mountainous regions of Japan, Korea and China. Under natural conditions, it can become a large, nearly 10-meter tall shrub. In indoor plants, it usually reaches up to 1 meter in height.

It was brought to Europe in the 18th century and almost immediately became a sensation among the rich who cultivated it in manor orangeries.pinned to dresses or worn in boutonnieres. It was a sensation, especially at French courts.

Today, almost everyone can afford to grow Japanese camellia. Seedlings cost about PLN 40-200 depending on the variety (there are over 2,000 of them)so you can easily bring it to your apartment as a potted plant that blooms in winter.

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Camellias bloom best in poorly heated rooms (about 15 degrees Celsius) and winter gardens. Some varieties bloom at the end of December, others in January, and still others in February or March.

You need to provide them with a bright position (not in direct sunlight) as well as moist, fertile, humus soil with a slightly acidic reaction. Watering flowers should be moderate. You cannot allow the roots to be flooded because then the plant may rot.

From time to time in winter, it is worth fertilizing Japanese camellia with a conditioner intended for ericaceous plants (acid-loving), azaleas or rhododendrons. Replanting should be done every three years in late spring after flowering.


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