These cases are known as social hospitalizations. In practice, the elderly have already been discharged, but have nowhere to go and end up staying in hospitals. With winter approaching, this reality becomes an even bigger problem, as all vacancies are needed due to the increase in demand.
At the end of November, more than 700 elderly people were admitted to hospitals waiting for a place in a nursing home. The SNS executive management numbers are revealed this morning by the newspaper .
These cases are known as social hospitalizations. In practice, the elderly people have already been dischargedbut how have nowhere to go end up staying in hospitals – so-called improper admissions.
With winter approaching, this reality becomes an even bigger problem, as all vacancies are needed due to the increase in demand.
To deal with this situation, the Government published an order at the end of last week that provides for the reinforcement of means to ensure the functioning of emergencies and hospitalizations.
Social Security Institute must be informed immediately
The document determines that Local Health Units (ULS) must inform the immediately on these cases. Furthermore, the Executive still admits the hiring private beds.
In the same order, the need to create “additional vacancies” for care of users with acute illness in health centers that are available for scheduling through SNS 24 and also consultations open on holidays and weekendsbetween 08:00 and 20:00 – this time can be extended until midnight.
“Beds are an increasingly scarce commodity, with more and more surgeries being performed. (…) More home care and support are needed so people can have autonomy”, Xavier Barreto, president of (WHAT).
The Government also admits the postponement of certain surgeries in case of an increase in demand for beds.