The intention is to discourage the consumption of tobacco and emerging products
The Council of the European Union (EU) approved new rules to reduce exposure, particularly among children, to secondhand smoke and aerosols, within the scope of the European plan to combat cancer.
The measure provides for the creation of outdoor areas where smoking is prohibited, particularly near schools and public buildings, beaches and restaurant terraces.
The intention is to discourage the consumption of tobacco and emerging products, especially among young people, and fight against nicotine dependence.
It is up to each Member State to analyze and apply the recommendation according to its national context.
According to a statement, the Council of the EU “today adopted a recommendation that will help reduce exposure to secondhand smoke and aerosols and achieve a smoke-free generation in Europe by 2040, as foreseen in the European Plan to Fight Cancer.
This recommendation focuses especially on improving the protection of children and young people against the adverse effects of passive smoking, in particular calling for the inclusion, in national anti-smoking policies, of products such as electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco.