The conversation with the police officer could define your near future. Lying is a bad idea; talking little can be a good idea.
More than an argument with another driver, or even more than a near accident, probably the situation that makes a driver most nervous is a STOP operation.
A police officer appears, or several police officers in front, and the driver soon begins to shake. You may not have even done anything wrong. Maybe not that day, nor any others. But just that stop sign, the uniform and the police car…
The conversation with the police officer could define your near future. Lying is a bad idea; talking little may be the best.
Lawyer Andrew Flusche, an expert in traffic-related cases, warns that those questions from the agent like “Do you know why I told you to stop?”. Or immediately after “Where do you come from?” or perhaps: “Where are you going?”
It seems like harmless small talk, but it’s not – they’re likely traps. O police is the to analyze what you will respond, how you will respond, how your body reacts, your face, what your tone of voice is.
And then, the How you react is essential. Obviously.
The lawyer explains what your answers can create “reasonable suspicions”, which gives the officers a reason to prolong the conversation. Example: Did it come from a bar? The police officer will ask if you drank.
Sometimes (and it always depends on who is on the other side), even something as simple and innocent as hesitating or stumbling over words can turn the driver into a suspect.
Therefore, when responding – although you have the right to remain silent, but perhaps it is not appropriate – an automatic response will be: “I’m just going home”.
But… The driver must take into account where he is. If it’s in the opposite direction, or 500km from home… It’s suspicious.
The essential point in these conversations is don’t talk too much. Say the essentials, only speak if someone asks something. “You don’t need to be talking to the police. Don’t talk to the police”, emphasizes Andrew Flusche.
Another essential factor is to always remain calm, with tranquility. Do not create a dangerous spiral. It’s best to be polite, but firm. Show the documents requested, and that’s it.
And, if for some valid reason, you are even fined, the driver must accept it, ask if he can leave and continue on his journey.