The Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) presented by the government to cut spending includes an excerpt that limits the payment of super salaries for civil servants. The text (2).
The PEC presented by the government says that only “compensation installments expressly provided for in a complementary national law applied to all powers and constitutionally autonomous bodies” may be exempted from the civil service salary ceiling.
Last week, Minister Fernando Haddad, of Finance, indicated that the government should send a complementary bill with definitions of what is within and what is outside the constitutional ceiling.
“We are going to enact a complementary law to regulate this constitutional provision that governs super salaries so that we have legal certainty that the change will be real,” said Haddad at the time.
If the PEC is approved in its entirety, the section proposed by the federal government will replace the article of the Federal Constitution that establishes that the remuneration of public servants cannot exceed the monthly allowance, in kind, of ministers of the Federal Supreme Court, which is around R$44 thousand.
However, the remuneration may be higher than this value, considering that it is possible to include frills such as aid and bonuses that can increase remuneration.
According to the Minister of Management and Innovation, Esther Dweck, the government is causing an exaggerated increase in these salaries.
Read what the Federal Constitution says about super salaries:
“The remuneration and allowance of those occupying public positions, functions and jobs in direct, autonomous and foundational administration, of members of any of the Powers of the Union, of the States, of the Federal District and of the Municipalities, of those holding an elective mandate and of others political agents and earnings, pensions or other remuneration, received cumulatively or not, including personal benefits or any other nature, may not exceed the monthly allowance, in kind, of the Ministers of the Federal Supreme Court, applying as a limit, in the Municipalities, the Mayor’s allowance, and in the States and in the Federal District, the Governor’s monthly allowance within the Executive Branch, the State and District Deputies’ allowance within the Legislative Branch and the Judges’ allowance of the Court of Justice, limited to ninety integers and twenty-five hundredths percent of the monthly allowance, in kind, of the Ministers of the Federal Supreme Court, within the scope of the Judiciary, this limit applicable to members of the Public Ministry, Prosecutors and Public Defenders.”
Read what the PEC proposed by the government says:
“Only the compensation limits referred to in section
The PEC still needs the approval of federal deputies and senators. The federal government’s expectation is that the spending cut package will be approved by the National Congress in 2024.
They have also been sent to the Chamber of Deputies.
With tax measures,. Of this total, the economic team estimates an impact of R$71.9 billion by 2026, the end of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s (PT) term. .