During the holiday season, the Christmas rose is the most popular. Other potted plants will also beautifully decorate the interior of your home. Here are three suggestions that are sure to appeal to you.
A magical season requires the right environment. With the beginning of December, we start planning not only gifts, but also the Christmas interior. When it comes to plants, we associate Christmas time primarily with the Christmas rose. However, there are also other potted plants to choose from, which will be an equally beautiful decoration of your house and apartment. Here we present three potted plants that are perfectly suited to this task.
Christmas cactus
The Christmas cactus, which comes from the rainforest, opens the list. The plant blooms in winter or spring in Brazil. It has bell-shaped flowers growing at the ends of the leaves. Pink, white, red and sometimes two-colored – the Christmas cactus will delight with its appearance at Christmas time. It prefers to be placed in strong sunlight, so the pot should be in a bright place, but with diffused light.
During the flowering period, you must water the plant regularly so that the substrate does not dry out. It is also a good time to apply fertilizer for flowering plants.
After the buds form, the Christmas cactus is sensitive to a change of location. Therefore, it is better not to change the place after this time, because the flower buds could fall off.
Another equally beautiful Christmas decoration can be an azalea. It is an ornamental shrub, the different varieties of which differ in shape, flower color and flowering time. The most popular species are Japanese azaleas in pots and Indian azaleas. The plant likes bright places with diffused light and away from drafts. It also prefers a temperature between 10 and 12 degrees Celsius.
Azalea also likes high humidity, so it can stand on a stand half filled with water and pebbles. Its substrate should always be moist and acidic (pH 3.5-4.5).
It blooms in winter and beautifully decorates the interior in which it is placed. Honeysuckle is an ideal plant not only for the garden. They can also be grown in a pot, but in that case they require careful care. Hellebore grows to a height of 80 cm. It has thick, leathery leaves. The flowers are often showy and drooping. Their colors range from white, red, green and purple to black.
How to care for hellebore in a pot? The plant prefers a bright place – this will ensure the proper development of its flowers. They also like slightly lower temperatures – ideally 15 degrees Celsius. Honeysuckle likes regular watering. You must remember that an excess of water can lead to the development of fungal diseases. Therefore, it is best to constantly monitor the substrate and its humidity.
The Christmas cactus is a festive competition to the Christmas rose. How to ensure that it blooms for Christmas?