Scientists have buried tea bags in 28 countries. What is the cause

by Andrea
Scientists have buried tea bags in 28 countries. What is the cause

In a global study, scientists buried 19,000 tea bags in 180 wetlands in 28 countries.

The study found that rising temperatures may jeopardize the ability of wetlands to store carbon.

“This is the first long-term study of its kind using the tea bag method and will help us determine how we can maximize carbon storage in wetlands and help reduce emissions globally.

“Changes in carbon pools can have a significant impact on global warming – the less carbon is broken down, the more carbon is stored, and the less carbon in the atmosphere,” said lead researcher Stacey Trevathan-Tackett, reports with reference to .

This is the first time tea bags have been used for a large-scale study to quantify the carbon sequestration potential of wetlands.

The study found that higher temperatures accelerated the decomposition of green tea bags, but the rate varied by wetland type. Freshwater wetlands and tidal marshes were found to be the most effective carbon sinks – with the “highest residual mass of tea”.

While in the wetlands with mangroves and seaweed this process was slower. This suggests that different types of wetlands may respond differently to climate change.

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