Colonist Arnaldo de Souza Pereira Neto, 42 years old, was the victim of an attempted murder by gunshot late this Wednesday afternoon (4), on a rural property in Vila Manoel Marques, in Ramal Nova Esperança, at km 14 of the AC-90 Highway, better known as Transacreana, in the rural area of Rio Branco.
According to police information, Arnaldo was cleaning the land on his property when he was surprised by his neighbor, identified only as João, who allegedly arrived drunk and began arguing with the victim, questioning why he had not allowed the construction of a well on his land. .
The victim’s family helped Arnaldo and called the police and the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu)/Photo: Reproduction
With tempers high, João’s son, identified as José, went to the scene of the argument and, in possession of a firearm, fired a shot that hit Arnaldo in the left thigh. After the action, João and José fled the scene.
The victim’s family members helped Arnaldo and called the police and the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu), which sent a basic support ambulance. After the first care and the stabilization of his clinical condition, Arnaldo was taken to the emergency room in Rio Branco, where he remains in a stable state of health.
Military police officers were at the rural property, collected information and carried out searches in the region to locate José and João, but they were not found.
The case is initially under investigation by the Civil Police’s Ready Employment Team (EPE) and will subsequently be forwarded to the Homicide and Personal Protection Police Station (DHPP).