Christmas rose or poinsettia is a plant associated with Christmas. The most popular variety is the one with red flowers, although there are also yellow, orange or white ones. What can be done to make the plant pleasing to the eye for as long as possible? Apply specific rules and it will survive until the New Year.
The poinsettia fits perfectly into the Christmas atmosphere thanks to its colorful leaves, which form a rose resembling a star. Sometimes the leaves of the plant fall after only a few weeks. The reason is insufficient care. If you bought this special flower, be sure to find out what you can do to make it decorate your room for up to twice as long.
How do you take care of the Christmas rose? The most important principles of care
A Christmas rose can delight the eye during Christmas and even longer if properly cared for. So how to care for this potted plant?
- Place
Poinsettia requires a bright place, but out of direct sunlight. Therefore, it is best to place it on the windowsill of an eastern or southern window.
- Temperature
The best temperature for this plant is 16 to 22 degrees Celsius. The plant does not like drafts, so it is better to move it to another room when ventilating the room.
- Watering
Water the Christmas rose sparingly – the substrate should be neither dry nor too wet. Zwater it every 2-3 days, checking the soil moisture with your finger. It is good to pour the water into the plate. If it is not absorbed within 15 minutes, pour out the excess water.
- Fertilization
Poinsettias will last longer if you fertilize them every 2 weeks. Use fertilizer for flowering plants for this.
Why do the leaves of the Christmas rose fall? The most common mistakes in care
Care must be taken when caring for poinsettias. Otherwise, he won’t live to see Christmas. What are the most common mistakes in care?
The most common mistake is excessive watering of the plant, which leads to rotting of the roots. Yellowing and falling of leaves is caused by drafts and too low temperature in the room.
If you place the Christmas rose in a shady place, the leaves will start to fall. Do not forget that if the plant stands on a cabinet or chest of drawers, you need to provide additional lighting.
What can be done to make the Christmas rose last as long as possible in the house and bloom again?
After purchase, transplant the Christmas rose into a larger pot with fertile soil with grains of expanded clay and coarse sand. It is recommended to regularly remove the dry leaves of the plant so that it has sufficient air circulation. In addition, we recommend removing spent flowers. In this way, you stimulate the plant to develop further.
Many people throw away the poinsettia after it blooms, but it pays to keep it blooming for another Christmas. After Christmas, you need to fertilize it with a fertilizer rich in potassium. In April, shorten its shoots about 10 cm from the ground and transfer it to a room with a temperature of 13-16 degrees Celsius.
In May, transplant the Christmas rose into a new substrate. Place the flower pot in a bright place at a temperature of 18 degrees Celsius. In autumn, transfer it to a dark room during the day or cover it with cardboard. Also limit watering and reduce the temperature to 15 degrees Celsius.
This year it will be more fashionable than the Christmas rose. See how to grow “holy berries”