Jessica Athayde used her Instagram account on the morning of Thursday, December 5, to share some never-before-seen photos with her father on her wedding day.
The actress ‘tied the knot’ with Diogo Amaral last Saturday, November 30, and today decided to speak out about her father’s presence, which was much commented on, particularly on the program ‘V+Fama’, by Pedro Caldeira () .
Jessica Athayde began by explaining why her parent did not join the wedding with her: “One of the greatest joys of my wedding was having my father present. He arrived seconds before I arrived (as agreed) and was accompanied to his seat by one of the bridesmaids (at my request) and sat right in front of me so I could look him in the eye. And I looked so many times”realized.
The actress explained that her father “is in very poor health” and that, therefore, his presence at her wedding and the dance he managed to perform with her on the dance floor was very special.
“While the Gospel choir was singing, he managed to dance with me for a few seconds! I will never forget that moment. ❤️ My father, unfortunately, is in very poor health and we still think he might not be able to be present but he managed to do it. And it was certainly one of the presences that made me most emotional and happy.”assumed.
At the end of the text she left, Jessica Athayde expressed gratitude for having all the people important to her on the wedding day and ended with a declaration of love for her father: “The rest is just the rest – it doesn’t matter ❤️ Thank you. Ps- love you daddy (I love you daddy)”but