The Christmas tree is a symbol of Christmas, without which it is difficult to imagine this special time. However, it turns out that in addition to joy and a magical atmosphere, in some cases the Christmas tree can also bring unpleasant allergic symptoms. Find out what exactly “Christmas tree syndrome” is and whether it is possible to protect yourself from it.

Allergies can be caused by many factors. However, few people consider that it is possible to be allergic to Christmas trees. It turns out that this seasonal disease can effectively make a time, which by definition should be full of joy and a magical atmosphere, unpleasant. There can be several reasons, so it is worth paying attention to them today.

Christmas tree syndrome – what exactly does it consist of?

Christmas tree syndrome is the term used to describe an allergic reaction to a Christmas tree, whether live or artificial. Most often, these symptoms appear in people who suffer from allergies or asthma. Allergic symptoms are most often observed by allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

An allergic reaction to a Christmas tree can effectively rob you of the joy of the holiday season. However, you should know that Christmas tree syndrome is not caused by the tree itself, but what is found on it. This includes large amounts of pollen, dust, mites, mold or plant resin.

Although Christmas tree syndrome is usually caused by a live Christmas tree, it can also be caused by an artificial one that is covered in many means of protection or preservation and it also collects dust and mites.

What are the symptoms of Christmas tree syndrome? Pay attention to them

Factors known as “Christmas tree syndrome” can cause unpleasant symptoms that are most common in people who suffer from asthma or allergies. However, this is not the rule, as it can also affect people who previously did not complain of allergies or other health problems.

A Christmas tree allergy can cause wheezing, sneezing, coughing, stuffy nose, runny nose, watery and itchy eyes or scratchy throat, among other symptoms. It is often accompanied by a rash and headaches. These symptoms can worsen especially when decorating the Christmas tree, when we are directly touching it and it is closest to us.

How to deal with Christmas tree syndrome? This is how you reduce the risk of Christmas tree allergy

A Christmas tree allergy can be an unpleasant and difficult condition that effectively prevents you from enjoying the magic of Christmas. However, it’s good to know that Christmas tree syndrome doesn’t always mean giving up the holiday tree altogether. Just try to eliminate potential allergens.

First of all, you should clean your Christmas tree. Before bringing it home, give it a good shake to get rid of excess dust and pollen. In addition, if you want to get rid of mold, simply rinse it thoroughly with water and dry it. In this case, the use of an air purifier is also a good solution.

If you notice an increase in symptoms during contact with the Christmas tree, it is a good idea to use disposable gloves when installing and decorating the tree. And above all, you should start by choosing the right tree. We are talking about the species and the purchase from organic and forest plantations, where plant protection products are not used, which are often the cause of allergies.

An artificial Christmas tree, although it is a safer solution in many cases, also requires appropriate preparation, as it can also be a source of dust and mold. Therefore, it is worth ensuring the proper preparation of the Christmas tree and paying attention to possible symptoms so that the Christmas holidays can be celebrated in a healthy and magical atmosphere.

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