Addicted to series about vampires and zombies, he knows everything about your favorite stars, with a slight preference for what happens across the Atlantic. Although he has the hot blood of the Spanish, he still maintains his very French humor and never shrinks from a well-intentioned play on words.
While he is greatly involved in the revival of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, Jean-Charles de Castelbajac has agreed to talk about his family life. In an interview with “Gala”, the stylist spoke about his daughter Eugénie.
Jean-Charles de Castelbajac, 75 years old and father of a 4-year-old girl who already excels in a very specific field
Saturday December 7 will be a very big day for the city of Paris. After years of reconstruction following the terrible fire that hit Notre-Dame Cathedral, the inauguration will take place and the stars will be present. The new President of the United States, , should even be there with his wife, , just like the President of the Republic, . To renovate the famous cathedral, the elite were called to the rescue and to take care of the new vestments and liturgical ornaments, the stylist was called upon.
The former companion of talks about his faith with Galain an interview published this Thursday, December 5. “She is omnipresent. I go to mass for the high times of the year. I am practicing in my inspiration because I am lucky to be able to put my talent at the service of my faith”has explained since 2019, before discussing what he imagined for Notre-Dame: “I wanted it to be dazzlingly simple. Let the ornaments speak to the younger generations. Over gold thread, I preferred the ultra-contemporary technique of sublimation, used on relatively basic clothing, which gives depth to the light. The bishops’ chasubles are topped with twelve colored crosses for the apostles. And a colored border highlights the gestures.”
Eugénie, the next generation of the Castelbajac family?
Father of Guilhem and Louis-Marie from a first marriage to Catherine de Castelbajac, the 75-year-old stylist became a father again 4 years ago, of a little girl, with his new wife. When our colleagues ask her if the latter has the artistic fiber that runs in the family veins, the one who has made rare confidences. “Eugénie turns out to be a very good artist. My grandson draws on the walls. It’s hard to blame him for that,” he says.
At the heart of the Notre-Dame Cathedral renovation project, Jean-Charles de Castelbajac was kind enough to talk about his little Eugénie, who could well take up the torch from her father one day.