President Luiz Inácio da Silva () began this Wednesday (4) the traditional “kissing hands” in the rite in which candidates meet with senators to garner votes for approval.
The person chosen for the Monetary Policy directorate is Nilton David, head of operations at Bradesco’s treasury. The head of the BC Financial System Regulation department was appointed to the Regulation department. , a BC employee assigned to the CGU (Comptroller General of the Union), was appointed to command the Relationship, Citizenship and Conduct Supervision area.
The names were announced by the monetary authority last Friday (29) and forwarded by the head of the Executive to the Senate on Tuesday night (3), in an extra edition of the DOU (Official Gazette of the Union).
The trio has less than a week to meet with parliamentarians until the scheduled date of the hearing at the Senate’s CAE (Economic Affairs Committee), which should take place next Tuesday (10).
“What they presented through their CVs and their references are very good. I think you won’t have any difficulty getting them approved,” he told Sheet the president of CAE, Vanderlan Cardoso (PSD-GO), who had a brief meeting with the nominees.
Rapporteur for Vivan’s nomination, senator Nelsinho Trad (PSD-MS) met with the three candidates for the BC this Wednesday. According to him, the choices were relevant and the candidates “satisfactorily fulfill the technical capacity for the respective directorates”.
The rapporteurs chosen to nominate David and Correa are, respectively, Senator Rogério Carvalho (PT-SE) and Senator Zenaide Maia (PSD-RN).
To take up the position at the beginning of 2025, the new BC directors need to be interviewed at the CAE and go through a vote in the Senate plenary, which is responsible for evaluating and approving the names of the authorities.
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