“Outward signs of wealth”. After Leão, another PT mayor gives a speech “à Chega”

by Andrea
“Outward signs of wealth”. After Leão, another PT mayor gives a speech “à Chega”

Facebook / Sônia Sanfona

“Outward signs of wealth”. After Leão, another PT mayor gives a speech “à Chega”

Sónia Sanfona, mayor of the PS in Alpiarça

Francisco Assis wants to create “guidelines” for municipal elections. Members of the PS criticize the mayor of Alpiarça for cutting school support for students with “outward signs of wealth”.

Sonia Sanfonaformer deputy and president of the Chamber of Alpiarça, in Santarém, approved a regulation on the allocation of school support. The document excludes students whose “household displays outward signs of wealth not in line with the income declaration presented”.

Other members of the Socialist Party, interviewed by , demarcate themselves from this discourseand guarantee that this “does not characterize” the values ​​of the PS.

Francisco Assis defends the creation of a “guideline” to avoid these situations in city halls. “Otherwise, we run the risk of, in the name of the PS, producing statements that are most contrary to the principles and guidelines of the PS and this cannot happen.”

The situation happens after Ricardo Leãosocialist president of the Chamber of Loures, also had in which he defended the evictions “without mercy or mercy” of tenants in municipal housing, following a recommendation from Chega to issue eviction orders to municipal tenants who commit crimes.

The mayor, to defend her position, also gave the example of a family that drives a “high-displacement car, which costs 30 or 40 thousand euros and then has their son ask for an A level”, which “has an iPad, an iPhone that costs a thousand and so euros“.

Also interviewed by Público, Ana Gomes, of the PS, argues that the mayor’s speech was “an attempt to follow Chega’s agenda“, corresponding “to a prejudiced idea towards some families from some ethnic groups”.

Former Education Minister João Costa says that “it is necessary not to give in to the temptation of adhering to a rhetoric that subtly infiltrates from the populist speeches“.

Eurico Brilhante Dias he also says that these behaviors “do not represent, at all”, his thinking. “That type of intervention does not characterize socialists. It is not part of our heritage.”

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