According to the Chinese zodiac, 2025 is the Year of the Wood Snake, which comes once every 60 years. According to the Eastern calendar, this year is one of wisdom and insight. In Chinese culture, the snake is a mysterious creature with a dual nature. On the one hand, it is considered cunning and dangerous, and on the other hand, it symbolizes healing and protection.
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Thus, the year of the Snake will come with changes. Those who are ready and have the courage to change things can do it. Also, this year is favorable for reconsidering the objectives.
What the Year of the Snake brings. Explanations offered by numerologists
The Year of the Snake corresponds to the number 9, and in numerology, this number symbolizes the end of a cycle, parting with the past, transformation, but also spiritual awakening. At the same time, the number 9 is associated with wisdom, intuition, compassion and spiritual growth. However, the number 9 can also reflect negative aspects such as conflicts, breakups and losses. In the context of 2025, the number 9 combined with the energy of the Snake can intensify the negative trends observed in 2024.
In many cultures, 9 is considered a holy and sacred space, being used in religious and spiritual practices. Moreover, the number is associated with spiritual evolution, but also with the development of higher consciousness. Archetypal, the figure evokes learning and intellectual development and the development of the mental plane. The character of the number 9 is an apparently strange one, which represents idealism and the one who is always dealing with himself, in order to constantly rebuild himself.
Archetypal, the figure evokes learning and intellectual development and the development of the mental plane. It is considered to symbolize mental intelligence (IQ), knowledge, and education at the highest possible level, and is often associated with university professors, philosophers, and accomplished teachers. In the context of mental intelligence IQ, the number 9 represents the ability to understand abstract ideas and complex concepts, but also the ability to mentally solve difficult and meaningful problems.
The Year of the Snake particularly influences people born under the sign of this animal, but also those who are born in the years: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013. These people can live in 2025 a year of significant change, renewal and adaptation to new conditions.
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