Plants decorate many houses and are an original and natural decoration. However, not everyone knows how to take care of flowers, and then even those plants that were supposedly very resistant wither and die. Fortunately, there is one species that is perfect for beginners and people who forget to take care of their flowers. It is practically indestructible. Find out which plant is worth growing.

Most potted plants require your special attention, without which they wither. However, if you are a beginner flower grower or do not have time to care for them, it is worth choosing a plant that is not only undemanding, but also indestructible. Growing this flower is child’s play. We will advise you on which plant to choose if you want to get a resistant and long-lasting species.

Don’t know how to deal with plants? This one will be perfect for you

Many people appreciate the presence of plants in the home, but not everyone has time to care for demanding species. Then it makes sense to bet on species that we consider to be very resistant and almost indestructible. Usually, when you imagine a group of plants of this type, you think of cacti, sansevieria or zamiokulli.

However, if even these plants do not always manage to stay alive, it is a sign that it is worth choosing an even more resistant and undemanding species. We are talking about a very tolerant and resistant plant that impresses not only with its unique, low-maintenance properties, but also with its appearance.

The Morgan Rock, known as Seven burritos. It is a succulent plantwhich is ideal for beginners and those with little time. It is decorated with long hanging stems that are covered with small fleshy leaves that resemble beads. It is a plant that will stand out well even in small apartments or offices, because you can place it in hanging flower pots.

Sedum burrito – what makes this plant essentially indestructible?

Sedum burrito it is a succulent, so it can store water in its leaves. This means that even if you forget to water the plant, nothing will happen to it, because it copes very well even in dry conditions. In addition the plant does not require a special place and thrives in almost any place.

Another advantage of the Morgan limestone is that it is resistant not only to errors in care, but also to diseases and pest attacks. All you have to do is place the plant in a pot with well-drained substrate and you don’t have to worry about the rest.

The only mistake you can make is to give the plant too much water. In this case, the key is the correct watering of limestone, which is better done less often than too often. It is also recommended to provide drainage in the flower pot, to prevent root rot. If you want the plant to develop dynamically, give it a bright place by placing it near an east-facing window.

This plant is not afraid of drought. It is ideal for forgetful people