The video in which a mother exposes that she did not agree to change places with her son went viral on social media on Wednesday (4) and generated several debates on the subject. The woman who refused to give up a window for a child on a plane, identified as Jeniffer Castro, gained more than 250,000 followers on Instagram just one day after the video was published.
Woman is filmed for not giving window to child on plane – Photo: Reproduction/ND
In the footage, Jeniffer appears with headphones and eyes closed occupying the , while a woman criticizes her for not giving up the seat for her son.
“He doesn’t want to change places because he doesn’t want to. I even asked if she had a syndrome, something, because if a person has a problem, a disability, we understand, but the person has nothing and doesn’t want to change anything!”, accused the woman.
Upon realizing that she was being recorded, the passenger took off her headphones and showed disapproval of the exposure of her image, but the woman continued.
“I’m recording your face because you have no empathy with people. This is disgusting, in the 21st century, people cannot have empathy with a child. If it was with an adult, that would be fine, now with a child it’s too much.”
Woman filmed for not giving window to child on plane is identified as Jeniffer Castro – Photo: Reproduction/Instagram/ND
The woman posted the video on TikTok, but most of the comments she received were from people criticizing her attitude and she decided to lock her profile.
Already on Jeniffer’s profile, most people defend her. More than one lawyer has offered to help sue the woman who filmed her for defamation.
Are passengers required to provide windows for children on planes?
There is no obligation on passengers to give up their windows to children on a plane, but people can agree to change seats as a gesture of courtesy.
In some cases, airlines may even place families or people with children in window seats, depending on availability, to facilitate their comfort. This, however, is not a requirement.
In specific situations, such as on flights with greater occupancy or if seats are not assigned for children, the decision to give up the seat will be at the discretion of the passenger.
Some companies even only offer the option of reserving a seat upon payment of a fee. In these cases, reserving a window seat is more expensive.