“What happened to the money?” Efacec commission of inquiry approved. Only PS voted against

by Andrea
“What happened to the money?” Efacec commission of inquiry approved. Only PS voted against

(dr) efacec.pt

“What happened to the money?” Efacec commission of inquiry approved. Only PS voted against

Reprivatizing the company could cost the State R$564 million. IL proposed a Commission of Inquiry that wants to hear Costa and Isabel dos Santos. Everyone voted in favor, except the PS.

The nationalization and privatization of Efacec by previous socialist governments will be taken to the Commission of Inquiry. The proposal was approved by all parties except the PS. Ricardo Araújo, PSD deputy, did not participate in the vote because he is an Efacec member.

The proposal made by the Liberal Initiative includes the hearing of former government officials socialists in the government of António Costa (“all government officials” involved, including “possibly” António Costa), and even Isabel dos Santos.

Isabel dos Santos, “not being Portuguese, is not obliged to give explanations to Parliament in a parliamentary commission of inquiry”, and must be “invited” to explain “facts” about the time when she was “the main shareholder”said the party when presenting the proposal, DN quotes.

Still, with the Angolan businesswoman under a , It is unlikely that in-person statements will be obtained.

“The government officials will all be there, that’s for sure. Those who had government responsibilities will obviously be there. Who made the decisions, who had supervision while Efacec was in the State sphere, whoever carried out the privatizations, everyone will be called” to the Commission of Inquiry, says Carlos Guimarães Pintodeputy of IL, to .

When presenting the proposal, the deputy had already maintained that, before being nationalized in 2020, “Efacec was already in a complicated situation, but in three years under public management, a company that was already in bad shape managed to become even worse“, as quoted by .

According to this newspaper, automation orders from the energy engineering company fell 67%, those in the transformer unit went down73% and those of the electric mobility unit 80%.

“In three years the company lost almost all of its incomeonly paid suppliers when State money came in, the difficulties that were supposedly temporary became permanent”, said the IL deputy.

The company can now request, according to the Court of Auditors, public financing of 484 million with potential to rise to 564 million. “We don’t know, but it was time to find out what happened to Efacec. Hiding what happened can be very convenient for some, but it would be the first step so that everything could happen again”, said Carlos Guimarães Pinto.

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