A car accident in Bragança caused the death of a 19-year-old student who was a passenger in the trunk of the car.
A young 19-year-old student died this Saturday morning, after a road accident in Bragança. Carolina would be in the trunk of the car as a passenger.
The alert for the accident reached local firefighters at 5:39 am after a collision between a car and others that were parked on the street. Rua José Reboredoin the city of Bragança.
“When we arrived at the scene, we came across a female victim who was in cardiorespiratory arrest and who had been projected from the accident vehicle“, reveals the Bragança Fire Commander, Carlos Martins, in statements cited by the Lusa agency.
Carolina Rocha, from 19 years oldwould remain in the accident vehicle inside the trunkas a passenger.
Local radio found that “in the car they could follow more people than what is allowed by law“.
Death was declared at the scene by the medical team from the Emergency and Resuscitation Medical Institute (INEM), who were also called to intervene.
The PSP, which also went to the scene, revealed in a statement that, in addition to the fatal victim, another 20-year-old girl was slightly injured.
Young people “would be returning from the club”
The lost vehicle was driven by a 28 year old man who identified himself “immediately before the police officers present”, said the PSP.
It has undergone regulatory testing for detection of alcohol and psychotropic substancesthe results of which are awaited, and is subject to an Identity and Residence Term.
The driver will be vice president of the Student Associationas found out, which suggests that the young people were “returning from the club”.
The accident car may have crashed and caused damage to three other vehicles that were parked.
The PSP Road Accident Investigation Brigade was at the scene and took charge of the incident.
Carolina Rocha was a student at and was in the first year of the Social Educationaccording to Rádio Brigantia. The young woman will be from Vila Nova de Cerveira, in Viana do Castelo.