The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the labor market, the hybrid system of work that allows people to be in the workplace, but also have the option to work from home, is becoming more and more popular. He uses this model the most IT sektor and he also benefited from it during the pandemic online store, streaming services or social networks. This was reported by Alma Career (AC).
Employees also change their priorities and comes to the fore personal development, flexibility and job satisfaction. At the same time, they are more open to changing jobs or other employment on the labor market. Better is also becoming an important topic for them reconciliation of personal and work life. Companies deal more often employee health issues, including the psychological, as well as the offered working conditions.
At the moment, those companies that they try to create a balance between private and working life for their employees and allow them to adjust their work responsibilities to better reflect their priorities. In addition, they also provide them wider educational opportunities.
Changes also occurred after the pandemic in the demand for labor. They recorded an increase digital technologies or e-commerce. On the contrary, they were the worst areas of services, accommodation, tourism and gastronomy. However, due to various restrictions, there were changes when, for example, expanded the use of delivery services.
“However, the effect that occurred after the pandemic receded is interesting. As a result of significant layoffs in the gastro and tourism sectors in the first years of the pandemic, it is relevant a significant increase in the price of labor. After the pandemic experience, people do not flock to gastronomy because they do not feel job security there. The lack of labor thus leads to increasing salaries and improving working conditions, so that operations can attract new employees,” the company explained.
In this period as well the requirements of companies for the workforce also began to change. Companies began to demand more from employees digital skills and the ability to adapt to new conditionsdue to companies investing in automation, digitization or robotization.