Artificial intelligence will have a strong impact on our lives and will profoundly transform the way we live, says Alexandra Coman. The astrologer points out that it will be necessary for humanity to adapt quickly to these changes, otherwise it risks not being able to face the challenges that will come in an avalanche.
Also as a result of the fact that artificial intelligence will gain more and more ground, the risk of scams, financial losses and personal instability will increase. Therefore, the astrologer warns people to be vigilant in the decisions they make, to carefully analyze the opportunities that come their way and to be cautious.
Read also the Zodiac blessed by the Universe, according to the famous Minerva. Success and substantial financial gains for these natives
Obviously, Romania will also know intimately these transformations that will encompass the entire planet, going through remarkable changes.
„A tremendous change will come worldwide. Get ready to adapt to the AI side because it’s going to change the world. (…) Romania is built on the sign of Aquarius. Be careful how you step, how you tread. You will be lied to, scammed, you risk losing your house. Big changes are coming for Romania“, said the astrologer Alexandra Coman, in Damian Drăghici’s podcast.
After December 1, 1918, Romania came under the sign of Aquarius. According to astrologers, this translates into the fact that we are always indecisive and that we live with the impression that the grass in the neighbor’s garden seems much greener to us.
Also read Horoscope Camelia Patrășcanu. Mercury retrograde and Saturn shake up the lives of two signs, as shown by the square of the moment