The Chamber of Deputies can vote this Tuesday (10), in a plenary session, on projects for the public security package negotiated by party leaders.
The complete agenda has 23 projects, 18 of which had the urgency regime approved on Monday (9).
The session is scheduled to start at 1:55 pm.
Check it out:
- PL 7885/17, by licensed deputy Paulo Teixeira (PT-SP), which removes provisional custody of seized firearms from justice bodies;
- PL 3781/21, by deputy Captain Alberto Neto (PL-AM), which creates a special benefit for children under 18 years of age of low-income femicide victims;
- PL 551/24, by deputy Carlos Jordy (PL-RJ), which determines the compulsory hospitalization of people with mental disorders if sentenced to serve sentences and security measures in the case of posing dangers to third parties at medical discretion;
- PL 1672/23, by deputies Silvye Alves (União-GO) and Rodrigo Valadares (União-SE), which determines the installation of metal detectors and electric fences in daycare centers and schools in the public and private education network;
- PL 3191/24, by deputy Sergeant Portugal (Pode-RJ), which criminalizes obstruction of public roads with the use of barricades to commit crimes or prevent police access;
- PL 5265/23, by deputy Alberto Fraga (PL-DF), which provides rules for preparing defense plans against robberies in value transport companies or rescuing prisoners in prisons;
- PL 4120/24, by deputies Alfredo Gaspar (União-AL) and Alberto Fraga, which deals with the association between governments from different spheres to confront transnational organized crime;
- PL 6158/23, by Congressman Sanderson (PL-RS) and others, which requires the installation of cell phone jammers in prisons by mobile phone service providers;
- PL 2710/23, by deputy General Pazuello (PL-RJ), which creates psychosocial support services in the military and civil police and military fire departments in the states and the Federal District;
- PL 3976/20, by deputy Aluisio Mendes (Republicanos-MA), which creates a registry of pedophiles convicted of this crime;
- PL 4997/19, from the Federal Senate, which increases penalties for theft, robbery and reception of wires and cables;
- PL 779/24, by deputy Alberto Fraga and others, which creates a national program to prevent and combat the victimization of public security and social defense professionals;
- PL 1434/23, by deputy Captain Alden (PL-BA), which determines the installation in all national and imported vehicles of a device that allows the trunk to be opened from the inside in case of emergency;
- PL 4017/23, by deputy Alberto Fraga, which creates the National Citizen Public Security Day and Week;
- PL 2600/23, by deputy Alex Santana (Republicanos-BA), which typifies the crime of violating or exchanging luggage or passenger suitcase tags, aggravating the penalty if the agent is an employee of a transport company;
- PL 4939/20, by deputy Hugo Leal (PSD-RJ), which establishes guidelines on the use of information technology in law and standards for obtaining and admissibility of digital evidence in investigation and proceedings;
- PL 3890/20, by deputy Rui Falcão (PT-SP) and others, which establishes the Victim Statute;
- PL 2548/24, by deputy General Pazuello, which increases the percentages required to obtain the right to progress from a closed to a semi-open regime.
(With Câmara Agency)