Amid the announcement of the Rio Branco city hall’s Christmas competition, in partnership with the Commercial, Industrial, Service and Agricultural Association of Acre (Acisa), mayor Tião Bocalom revealed that, in addition to an award, this year we will also have a homage.
Marcão is one of the biggest names in Acre photojournalism/Photo: Personal Archive
The section of the award focused on photography will bear the name of Marcos Vicentti, known as Marcão, who passed away on October 18th. This Tuesday (10), the date on which the tribute was announced, the photojournalist from Acre would turn 57 years old.
Marcos Vicentti’s wife, Valéria Teixeira, was present at the press conference in which the tribute to her late husband was announced, and told a little about Marcão’s relationship with culture and the promotion of photography and tourism in Acre.
Marcão’s wife was present during the press conference that presented the tribute/Photo: Vitor Paiva/ContilNet
“Vincentti, he was an enthusiast, one of the people who most encouraged tourism, the solidarity economy, the appreciation of the community and Christmas was always a very special date for him. And this recognition is something that the family views with a very, very, very special feeling. It’s keeping his legacy alive, his story alive, the contribution he made. He believed in people’s potential. So, having an award named after him is writing history,” said Teixeira, remembering her husband.
The photography categories are as follows:
Amateur photo: with prizes of R$1,500 for first place, R$1,000 for second, R$800 for third, R$400 for fourth, R$300 for fifth and R$100 for sixth to tenth.
Professional photo: R$4 thousand for first place, R$2 thousand for second, R$1.5 thousand third, R$1 thousand fourth, R$800 fifth.
Most liked photo on the city hall’s Instagram: R$500