The main regulatory project for tax reform will be voted on by the Senate’s Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ) on Wednesday, the panel defined.
Edited by the leader of the MDB in the Senate, Eduardo Braga (MDB-AM), the proposal’s opinion was read by the committee this Tuesday. Reading is one of the steps in the processing of the measure that needs to be completed so that it can effectively go to a vote.
The government maintains the expectation of approving the tax reform regulations later this year, despite the proximity of the parliamentary recess, which officially begins on December 23rd.
The text formally presented to the members of the CCJ this Tuesday regulates the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) of the tax reform, providing for the creation of two federal taxes, the Social Contribution on Goods and Services (CBS) and the Selective Tax (IS). , in addition to the Tax on Goods and Services (IBS), which is shared between States, the Federal District (DF) and municipalities.
Braga maintained in his opinion the “lock” established by deputies to the reference rate for the new taxation so that it does not exceed 26.5%, and also the forecast of a first five-year assessment of standard taxation based on 2030 data.
The senator also promoted changes to the text sent by the deputies. It included, for example, weapons and ammunition in the list of products subject to higher taxation — the Selective Tax — as they are considered harmful to health or the environment.
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It also chose to include telecommunications services in the cashback mechanism, which provides for the refund of part of the tax paid by low-income families when purchasing goods and services such as gas cylinders, electricity, water, natural gas and sewage.