ZAP // Digi; Vodafone; Meo; NOS; Apple
Google released, this Tuesday, the searches that the Portuguese made most in 2024. Ruben Amorim, José Castelo Branco, Kate Middleton, Donald Trump, Taylor Swift, Diogo Costa and Lamine Yamal were prominent names.
José Castelo Branco and Ruben Amorim were the most searched national names this year.
Completing the top 10 are (in order): Miguel Bravo, Pedro Nuno Santos, Diogo Ribeiro, Luís Montenegro, Fernando Madureira, Bruno Lage, André Ventura and João Monteiro.
Not internationally, to Princess of Wales, Kate Middletonled the polls.
Betty Grafstein e Donald Trump were other international personalities most searched on Google in Portugal.
Players like Diogo Costa e Lamine Yamal were also prominent figures in research, largely thanks to the Euro 2024 – the most researched event.
Still in terms of events, the national elections in Portugal and US presidential were in evidence. Completing the top 10 are , Subtropical Storm Patty, , Meteorite, Earthquake, do Sul and – themes that were highlighted in ZAP.
In general terms, , the new telecommunications operator, was also one of the most researched topics this year, integrating the ‘top’ 10.
In music, Taylor Swift and the Scorpions were the most searched, while in entertainment, television programs such as Secret Story e Big Brother stood out. At the cinema, the film Amusingly 2 was what attracted the most curiosity.
A artificial intelligence (AI) gained prominence this year, with a huge increase in searches on ‘AI Detector’ and ‘Online Artificial Intelligence’reflecting the growing interest in technology.
A curiosity that the newspaper highlights are the recipes most sought after by the Portuguese: camel slimesponge cake, apple crumble, cod fritters, tiramisu or fig jam.